What Kind of Healer Are You?

By: Naima Abdi
Are you an herbalist, energy healer, wellness coach, or crystal healer? Perhaps all of the above? Maybe even more? Find out your healer archetype(s), and how best to awaken the healer within.
Do you recognize yourself as a healer? If not, then you definitely should. Simply because the ability to heal others and the self is a gift that belongs to everyone. Plus, the term healer can be applied to virtually anyone who provides physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, financial, legal, socio-cultural or economic healing to others via the work they do in the world, their talents, or how they choose to relate with people and the planet—not just spiritual healers.
From doctors, nurses, and shamans to devoted mothers, empathetic children, wise elders, and more—the healer is an ancient universal archetype that encompasses so many types of people from all walks of life. Healers serve a vital role in society that transforms the way we live, eat, think, breathe, move, and everything we do. They consciously tap into their innate sense of sacred power to reveal which parts of the human mind, body, and soul need to be brought into balance when we need it most. And they use their experience along with the tools of their trade to facilitate a multitude of ways to heal and be healed.
So as a healer, there’s nothing more important than developing yourself and your healing abilities. Because it’s how you’ll come to better understand your healer archetype(s) as you evolve your practice. But if you’re new to healing, then you’ll need to awaken the healer within first by familiarizing yourself with the basic categories of healing.
Here are four of the most popular to get you started.
4 Main Types of Healing for the Mind, Body & Soul
Disclaimer: This information has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to substitute for medical advice or to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease, illness, or ailment. Please consult a licensed doctor or physician if you are experiencing issues with your health or are in need of expert medical advice.
1. Energy Healing
Everything is energy. From the thoughts you think, your physical body, and your emotions, to the sun, sky, and the very world around you. Energy healing is a practice that aims to balance, conjure, and transmute these energies via a number of different healing modalities such as reiki healing, cranial-sacral therapy, aura healing, massage, sound healing, chakra balancing, and more.
FYI: Chakras are the spiritual energy centers that channel the Universal Life Force Energy, known as Qi/Ki, both in and out of our physical and spiritual bodies. In total, there are seven main chakras, each with its own intrinsic meaning and significance. And much like a creek with leaves and debris blocking its passageways, sometimes the energy in our chakras gets stuck and cannot properly flow. Energy healers focus on these imbalances and work to clear them so that the energy of our auric, mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical bodies can function optimally.
To a degree, all healers are equipped at energy healing in some form or another. This is why healers are typically so good at picking up the vibrations of others in need. For newbies to the world of healing, it’ll be helpful to attune yourself to the energies in and around you. Start by doing this simple exercise to activate your energetic healing abilities.
Energy Healing Activation Exercise:
Sit under the sun with your eyes closed. Take three deep breaths. On every inhale, feel the warm energy of the sun rays fill your body with light. Then on every exhale, release the sun’s energy from your body back out into the earth. The sun is our planet’s most powerful source of energy and can be used to activate our energetic connection to the vibrations all around us.
2. Herbalism
The traditional practice of herbal medicine dates back thousands of years, and in many ways is the foundation from which all modern conventional medicine was built—up until the 19th century when it deviated from herbalism as the advancement of new theories and methodologies shifted the practice of medicine considerably. Nowadays, herbalism’s influence is still strong, as more people are in search of natural alternatives to pharmacology and Western medicine.
Primarily, there are three categories of herbalism: Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, Ayurveda (which originates from India), and Western Herbalism. Each offers a unique perspective on how to best incorporate herbs into your daily routine and which herbs are best suited to address different needs. But what ties them together is the miracle of utilizing plants as a vital medicine. As herbalists trained in all three types of herbalism, we value the diverse range of insights we’ve gained from each and their impact on our life’s work. Real Wellness is firmly planted at the forefront of herbalism as we experience the collective wisdom that our ancestors have amassed and passed down for us to use in advanced and highly specialized ways. This is why our formulas contain next-level combinations of Chinese, Ayurvedic, and Western herbal recipes, enhanced by pure concentrations of hemp. We use different mixtures of herbs such as cinnamon bark, hook vine, licorice, quince, turmeric, white peony, hemp, calendula, and cayenne.
So we recommend all beginners get to know the basics about each branch of herbalism. Then, as you get more familiar, you can go deeper on the one(s) you’re drawn to most. The beauty of herbalism is that it’s an ancient practice with a rich and fascinating history—so no matter what you come across on the topic, there’s always something practical and exciting to discover. We also suggest researching which herbs are ideal to incorporate into your daily routine based on what you’re experiencing physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We find that it’s one of the easiest and most interesting ways to immerse yourself in the world of herbs.
3. Crystal Healing
Crystal healing is an age-old holistic healing practice, that dates back thousands of years, in which crystals are either placed on the body or on a nearby space to help remedy specific ailments, assist in overcoming certain obstacles, or to infuse a person, place or object with specific energies. Ancient civilizations such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, Mayans, Greeks, and more often used gemstones to adorn their bodies, buildings, monuments, statues, amulets, and jewelry.
Crystal-healing practitioners believe all minerals from the earth possess a signature vibration that also corresponds with certain color frequencies and areas along the body, including the chakras. The aim of crystal healing is to help pinpoint and remove energy blockages by using the right stones and their energetic vibrations as conduits for clearing and release. Crystal healers also consider aspects such as the color and shape of a crystal (i.e. spheres, pyramids, generators, hearts, eggs, etc.) to be key factors when determining which stones to use and why during healing. But it’s also important to understand that you don’t have to be an advanced crystal healer or even go to one to experience the benefits of working with stones to fulfill a particular purpose. In fact, crystal healing is actually the perfect DIY activity that anyone can do anytime or anywhere, as long as you have your intuition, a few stones, and crystal clear intentions.
4. Food, Health & Fitness Healing
In our society, this type of healing is all too often overlooked. But it’s most definitely essential. Holistic wellness coaches, personal trainers, fitness teachers, and nutritionists are healers who focus on cultivating a deeper mind-body connection to promote a healthier, happier life. The healing work they do offers the world with foundational wisdom on how to heal and take better care of ourselves from the inside out.
And although it’s common knowledge that the food we eat and the lifestyle we lead are what determines our quality of life, many people still struggle with making consistent and balanced choices. Yet as public interest in holistic health and wellness increases, more people are seeking the guidance of healers who understand what food and actions will lead them closer to a lifestyle of wholeness and healing.
Ultimately, these types of healers are people who walk the talk, live the work, and lead by example. They take care of themselves by honoring their body as they would a temple. So if this type of healing work appeals to you, it’s important to make time to connect with your body through fitness and food. Use each time you eat and exercise as an opportunity to enhance your mind-body connection. Cherish yourself with ripe, colorful, and nourishing foods. Seize the opportunity to move your body whenever you can. Starting and keeping a regular practice of mindful eating and moving is a powerful first step in becoming well-versed in this mode of healing work.
Final Thoughts: Finding Your Healer Archetype
Keep in mind that, overall, this is just a brief foray into some of the most basic branches of healing. As you continue along your healing journey, you’ll find all sorts of healing practices and art forms that will appeal to your unique healer identity to shape your precise archetype. So give yourself the time and space to expand and explore the world of healing fully. Make sure to be extra kind to yourself as you work to find what modalities fit you as a healer best. And remember, practice makes perfect. So apply what you learn as you go. In our experience, it’s the best way for new healers to grow.
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